Privacy Policy

At Vevi Clinic we are aware of the importance of the security and privacy of your data and those of your patients, and that is why we have a firm commitment to the use we make of them.

This privacy policy affects the data that you enter and store in your account as a result of your use of Vevi Clinic as a management program.

Use of your data

  • The data that you enter in Vevi Clinic, such as patient, employee, or provider data, is stored and used for the sole purpose of providing you with the contracted services.
  • As those in charge of the treatment, at Vevi Systems SL we make sure that your data is not used for any other purpose, nor is it shared with third parties with the exception of our IT infrastructure provider or those integrations that you use voluntarily, and under the conditions indicated in this Policy of Privacy and in our General Contract Conditions.
  • We process your data under the conditions set by Regulation (EU) 2016/679, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD).
  • If you stop working with us in the future, we will provide you with your data in a structured format so that you can migrate it to another program.
  • You can consult more details of the specific measures we take to protect your data and your privacy in our Security Policy and in our General Contract Conditions.

Integrations with third parties

  • Access to our platform requires user authentication by password. We follow widely accepted procedures for managing and storing passwords, managing user sessions, and preventing brute force attacks.
  • These integrations are totally optional and must be explicitly activated by you, we never activate these extra services automatically.
  • By using our integrations, you agree that Vevi Clinic shares certain information necessary to offer these services. We strongly recommend that you read the privacy policy of these services, since being external, from Vevi Systems we cannot be held responsible for the use made of your data.
  • We detail below the available integrations and the data that can be shared with each of them:

    • Vevi Dental: Information on the laboratory work you send is shared, which may include the products requested from the laboratory, the patient data you wish to share and other related information. Likewise, we will synchronize information related to these works from your Vevi Dental clinic account, such as their status, the documentation generated, etc.
    • Google Calendar: certain clinic appointment and task information is shared. Vevi Clinic never accesses other data in your Google account except for those events created by Vevi Clinic from your appointments and tasks.
    • Validated ID: the documents that you explicitly send to be signed through the integration (estimates, informed consents, etc.) are shared. Vevi Clinic never accesses other data in your Validated ID account except the documents sent from Vevi Clinic for signature, and the corresponding signed document.

And also, if you want to know more about our privacy policy, or ask us any questions or concerns, you just have to contact us.